Why I’m not a Big fan of BDD (Behavior-Driven Development ).

Testing Anatomy
2 min readJun 23, 2021

BDD Framework the most trending/popular thing also we have heard that it helps us to create test cases in simple text language and also helps in collaboration between QA/Pm/BA

Well, Do we Really required this? Is it really helpful? if we are using this are we really following the principles and ideas of It??

Well in search of a framework and design pattern for a framework I stumbled across cucumber and got really curious about its use case in automation and more than pro’s I found con’s(Only based on my perspective)

My thoughts:
1. Are we really collaborating with PM’s if so are they willing to learn how Gherkin syntax for test automation works(PMs mostly prefer execution reports :) )? If not. then what’s the use of cucumber…
2. Extra/unnecessary addition of Dependencies and Abstractions
3. As most of us know BDD struggles with parallelization.
4. When we add an E2E case using cucumber are we really adding based on the principles/ideas suggested by BDD?

Conclusion: As per my understanding BDD should help to create test cases in simple text language or to narrow down the communication and to help in collaborations if these are getting failed most of the time or in your case why go with BDD which makes your framework complex and moreover It’s not that BDD is bad. It’s an excellent idea. It’s that we’re not doing BDD. And we’re certainly not doing BDD automation.

#BDD #automationtesting #BDDAutomation #cucumber #testing #Automation

